
Ыӈкас (Fireplace)

Our island, our square is the center of the house, in the middle of which the hearth burns. Everything in our life goes in a circle, from mother to daughter, from father to son. Everything is passed down from generation to generation: traditions, word, art. That is how indigenous peoples live.

Fish of the Ob' River

My work explains that the Selkups are taiga People whose main traditional occupation is fishing and hunting. The ornament in the work represents the fish of the Ob' River. From spring to late autumn, the Selkups are engaged in fishing. Traditionally, the Selkups settled near rivers, and in winter they went to the taiga, where they mainly hunted fur-bearing animals, upland game, elk, and other animals.


Avsa in Even language is a women's bag for small things.

Terges in Even language is rovduga. Rovduga is a deer skin processed on both sides. The belt and the bag tie are made of rovduga.

Mereti in the Even language is a circle.

Ini in the Even language is life, living being or organism.

Nyolten heddeken in Even language means appearance, sunrise.The circle on the woman's bag means sunrise.