Glass Beads

Ыӈкас (Fireplace)

Our island, our square is the center of the house, in the middle of which the hearth burns. Everything in our life goes in a circle, from mother to daughter, from father to son. Everything is passed down from generation to generation: traditions, word, art. That is how indigenous peoples live.

Koryakia (Koryak land)

The work has an interesting story. We found an old work, so old that even the color was not visible. We decided to restore it. This is how it came out. Almost all  symbols of our northern Koryakia are depicted in this creation. Yurt is the original dwelling of the nomadic Chukchi and Koryak People who live in the northern villages of Koryakia. Volcanoes and a colorful rainbow are direct phenomena of the nature of our Koryakia.

Pegaya Orda (Piebald Horde)

The name of the Piebald Horde is not entirely clear. In different dialects of the Selkup language PEӶ - elk, PEӃӃ - elk, OR or ORFUL - strong, ORFUL ӃUP - strong man, hero. The name PEGAYA HORDE can be translated as a strong people or heroes of the sacred elk. The piebald horde was formed in the conditions of constant wars. The Selkup leaders fought against the Khanty, Evenks, Kets, and Tatars. The piebald horde was a system of petty Selkup leaders. Through this work, I display the name of our multinational people (Selkups, Khanty, Mansi, Evenks, Chulyms) who live in the Tomsk region.

Fish of the Ob' River

My work explains that the Selkups are taiga People whose main traditional occupation is fishing and hunting. The ornament in the work represents the fish of the Ob' River. From spring to late autumn, the Selkups are engaged in fishing. Traditionally, the Selkups settled near rivers, and in winter they went to the taiga, where they mainly hunted fur-bearing animals, upland game, elk, and other animals.